If everyday experiences equate to the futures' markets, then I'm fucked. A double whammy hit me today with visits to the podiatrist AND the hairdresser all in the one morning. Excitement plus.........right? Wrong!
You definitely know that you're on the bell lap of the ghost train when you park your arse in a podiatrist's waiting room. I'll leave it to your own imagination to guess why that is.
Insult was added to injury (I think that's the order it goes in) when the hairdresser focussed her considerable skills on my ears and nose. In fact, more time was spent on most of my facial orifices than on the bloody head.
Then I return to the ranch only to find my facebook page festooned with arthritis, erectile dysfunction and sunset village open day adverts.
And all of this happened whilst I was wearing my Levi 501s. I guess denial and delusion can only take you so far.
